"It will be funny!"
"We laughed--a lot!"
"It's so funny!"
My friends had heard this a lot, and the trailer certainly tried to promote this movie as a comedy. I will attest that the group of movie go-ers in front of us did laugh throughout film, so would probably agree with the sentiments above. I, however, have a much drier sense of humor, so I would not have called this a comedy.
That said, I will admit that "Rom-Com" is probably the genre that fits this movie best. The romance story line for this movie was good, the characters well-developed--or at least good enough for a Rom-Com, and almost had the makings for an all-around sweet, light-hearted escape.
I have been trying to guess what happened. Maybe the writers/movie makers took a detour in the midst of the otherwise solid movie because of compromises made behind the scenes; or maybe the choices were dictated by those who had a different vision from those who had the original concept; or maybe it was an attempt to add elements to make the movie conform to a particular standard genre; or maybe it was trying too hard to be funny (which isn't effective); or maybe it was a new writer/director/somebody trying out their wings and still growing in confidence and skill. I'm not sure what it is. I only know that the movie wasn't 100% cohesive, and the non-cohesive part felt forced.
Authors know that sometimes cuts have to be made if something isn't contributing to the bigger whole. Sometimes those cuts are painful or difficult, but the end result is a better product. I wished that that had been done because this movie had the makings to be a 9 out of 10. Instead, I was left feeling that it had reached a 7.7.
I think I would've loved what was done with the end credits, but my personal experience was marred a little by an unfortunate incident that happened within my specific movie-going experience; so, I can only surmise what I think the effect of the end credits would have been, and I think I would've loved it.
Positives: The romance story really is quite sweet. Seeing the friendships start to come together was also promising.
Suggestions for improvement: read "The Miller, his Son, and the Ass"