Sunday, April 28, 2013

"The Bourne Legacy" (2012)

Setting aside the lead character change (because that's a separate matter), I'm not sure this is at the same level as the other Bourne movies. As an action film, it's fine. IF it is a transition film in the Bourne series, then it accomplished that. I watch the 1st 3 Bourne movies pretty regularly. The types of things I watch for and enjoy weren't exactly in this one. Again, as an action film, they did fine. Suspense, fine. Transition film, decent enough. It's just not getting added to the "purchased Bourne" collection. As for its place in the Bourne series (again, aside from the lead character change), I'm thinking that just needs to remain to be seen. We'll see what the next film brings. Sometimes you need the one film before you can make the next--and the next is better.

As for the lead character change, I know what couple factors I like about the Jason Bourne character and I don't think it fair to hold those enjoyed pieces against the character of Aaron Cross. From what I heard (I'll call it press rumor), I don't fault either side there (the Matt Damon vs. Bourne producers part)--I don't fault either side, I see both sides, that makes me indifferent. I do say that they didn't give me any comparable "enjoyed pieces" to make up the difference--attempted, but they fell slightly short.

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