Oh my, Oh my, Oh my! If there ever was a "Cad" movie, this is it. This movie catches that spirit. My only regret is that there are only 2 people in the whole world who know what I mean by that phrase--so, for the rest of the world out there, don't guess at what I mean by "Cad" and let me explain the long way.
So, what do I mean by "Cad"? It's a combination of things. It's that slight of hand, in-your-face, breaking the rules, this shouldn't work kind of a deal that cracks a joke and boom whatever it was that wasn't possible, happens. And you find yourself pondering where the skill comes from, where it was hiding, or if it was the humor that powered it into happening.
And then there's that fact that I like many of the characters that I've seen Matt Damon play. I have watched the first three Bourne movies more times than I can count. I like Matt Damon.
There it is. There's what I think of this movie. What more can I say? Oh, perhaps, don't take my "Cad" phrase. That's mine. Okay, so maybe I didn't explain everything about what I meant by "Cad", but I don't want to write this blog without it. To me that would make this post bland. It would also take away one of the reasons I write these--as a record to myself of what I thought. And I was laughing at the movie and thinking about this phrase. And I still dream that some day my created story will get written or produced or something in a form beyond that beginning's script that I've already mailed to myself. I'm digressing ...
I was skeptical when I read the description of the movie, but I also knew it had a couple of sequels, so I was curious. Definitely wasn't disappointed. A smooth movie that I would enjoy watching a second time.
And if I digressed too much in my review this time? Then here: I liked it. It made me laugh and smile. I'd watch it again. And I enjoy many of Matt Damon's characters. And the movie has some great lines in it.
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