Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Catching Faith" (2015)

Based on how this movie started, I wasn't sure it was going to hook me into watching the whole thing, but it did.  It hooked me just enough to say, "I'll watch a little bit more...a little bit more...a little bit more...." until I'd watched the whole thing.  That means, it was interesting enough to have something there.

The themes in this story seemed to focus on first integrity, followed by equally perfection and truth.

I don't know that this a movie that I'd watch a second time, but I don't find any faults with it.  The acting was fine.  The characterization was fine.  The faith story was fine.  But that's it:  fine.

Because the purpose of the movie was to center the story around the growth of faith in 3 of the characters--and mainly the mother--that was the point of view the movie was shot from, which left this particular family's spiritual anchor--the father--as a side character.  For the movie's purpose, this was a fine choice.  For my purpose in looking for interesting characters to study, it was adequate, meaning no faults, no hooks, and nothing seen from the father's perspective--or very little.

It's a fair movie to watch--again--no faults that I find--just not a movie I'm likely to watch a second time.

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