Friday, April 11, 2014

"The Book of Daniel" (2013)


When this movie started, I expected anything from a "Sunday School" movie (interesting enough to keep my interest, but not much more to it) or maybe something as smoothly done as "The Book of Esther", albeit low-budget.  Happily, not only was this closer to the "Book of Esther" end, but I think in some ways surpassed it.  To me, this movie is so very well written, and that's not something I was expecting.

The movie stays pretty close to all the stuff in Daniel as far as I can remember; but it also mixes in just a little information from history to round out things--not too much to take over.  The movie employs a frame story "let me tell you a story" framework, with occasional "interruptions", but the frame story is done well, too.  The CGI is low-budget--hey, they're lions!  What are ya going to do?--but other than that, I was pleased with the production aspects.  Just enough music in all the right places without taking over, and well-chosen end-credit and beginning credit music.

This one, I would watch again!

I like the theme riding through that mixes in just enough politics to point out power and political intrigue, but the strong finger of the power and authority God has over the kings and kingdoms of this world--this movie does a nice balance of that.

My only complaint is there was no disclaimer relating to "see the Bible for what it says there over and above what's in the movie".  Instead, there was typical "any representation to actual people is not intended" (I'm remembering verbatim here).  I know what they mean, and I suppose maybe they're trying to stay out of the way of "Bible is truth" vs. "Bible as made up/literature".  I suppose.  So, I'll say it.  The Bible is truth.

Now, the movie, I liked it.  Really impressed with it.  To me, sooo well-done.  Can we watch it again?

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