Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Metropolis" / "Metropolis Restored" (1927)

Long movie.  There's a lot that is going on with this movie.  Setting wise, it would be interesting to do a comparison with The Hunger Games.  Brings in Biblical themes from the tower of Babel and Revelation.  Marxist and Gender criticism would have a hey day with this.  The involvement of a mechanical person would add to that as well as those who look at machines in movies.  For a 1920s movie, the special effects were pretty amazing.  I can see why it went over budget.  This movie is marked as an example of German Expressionism.  I don't think I mind German Expressionism either.  I don't know that the music was anything special, but that's just me.  One late scene in the cathedral has strains reminiscent of the Dies Irae.  One or two plot logic holes--minor in comparison with the over all "message".  One of the top honcho's right-hand man ("Thin Man") reminds me of Lurch.  Also a plot element of The Prince and the Pauper.  1925--the movie has the concept of communicating via computer monitor.  That amazes me--well before Star Trek.

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