Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Blood on the Sun" (1945)

Won an academy award for art direction of a black and white movie.  An award for art direction of a black and white movie.  The version I watched was colorized.  :/   James Cagney.  I wondered if I would see any transition movies.  I think this was one of them.  Part war movie (story line), part action movie, though early.  Set in pre-WWII Japan, so the story's "bad guys" are all Japanese.  The fight scenes are a mix of martial art and fist fight--makes me wonder what the first "martial arts" movie is.  This certainly is an early, early, EARLY one.  Slightly confused about one part--leading lady--calm and cool entire movie, then goes hysterical during the crucial ending ... ???  Not sure if that makes the movie "just a generic war/action flick" or if that means "must have been a man who wrote it".  I just know it was a bit ... odd, even for considering the culture of the time.  But, maybe I'm wrong and it wouldn't have stuck out back then.  Ending was kind of strange, too--Japanese officials kept quoting morals and sayings from the Bible.  [Not that Japanese folks wouldn't know it, but the context for all the "bad guys" continually referring to it, struck me as strange.]

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