Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Tom Jones" (1963)

A most excellent adaptation of the novel. I like it. I want to watch it again, although, I must confess that’s largely because of the music. The music is in the same class as “Convoy” was—seems to fit, in a manner of speaking, but at the same time, makes you cock your head to one side in delightful puzzlement. Intriguing instrument choices. One well-placed dog whine. Calliope style music using a harpsichord of all things—at times clownish. A great puzzle, the music is. I want to analyze it. A couple of characters break the audience wall on occasion, and the narrator sings—sings, what, a ministral song? A bar style song? I don’t know. Did I mention I want to analyze it?

I was away from my notes when I wrote the review above. It was the music that won the award. Really? That was the top dog of its category in 1963? Now I want to analyze it even more.

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