Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Hamlet" (1948)

Very interesting camera angles.  The visuals and camera angles would create quite the worthwhile study.  Low-tech special effects, but allow for the time period of movie creation.  Other than the heart beats and perhaps a bassoon to show sneaky and sinister, the music isn't anything "special".  Still pretty stagey in places in how some lines are delivered, but not as bad as the 1935 "Mid-summer Night's Dream".  In many other places, the delivery isn't bad.  Some of the monologues are done as voice overs and at times pretty seamless over into actual delivery.  Laurence Olivier--partially stylized delivery and melancholy character portrayal.  Hamlet and Ophelia both blonds--not quite my picture--although, I can see why for a black and white picture.  Only blonds in the whole cast.  All the more to seem out of sync with the picture in my head.  Castle is almost all arches and stairs, very little of textile texture in castle.  Costumes a different story.  Lots of texture there.

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