Sunday, April 28, 2013

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1945)

SPOILER ALERT-- ... uhm ... I'd not read the book previous. I'm sure a lot of that should speak for itself. Intriguing. Okay, one "well duh" moment--when Dorian kills Basel, the movie's voice over narrator says, "He had a sense that he'd done something that couldn't be undone." Yeah. It's called murder. Definitely can see the Romantic pieces of this story (and I don't mean--love/romance). Am trying to imagine this as a book. Some of it would be easier--the character of Lord Henry talks so fast in the movie, it was hard to absorb--reading the book would be easier 'cause you could read it slower; then again, I'm a little tired, so not exactly at tip top thinking power, but that's okay because this was just the first view of the movie anyway. As I was saying, was trying to picture this as a book. I can see the picture descriptions working fine in words, but the music was integral in places in the movie--I'm trying to imagine written song. Doesn't do the story justice. In Romantic Music, the melody and accompaniment are integral to each other; you can't separate them. This seems like a movie go at the same thing--you can't have this story with out the music or the painted picture. Cinematography award--so lots of interesting things to look at--both camera shots and set. Black and white picture, mostly. It actually has some spliced in color movie bits revolving around the portrait. Young Angela Landsbury. I suspect anything else I'd have to say would be a reaction to the story--and I'll save that for a novel review. I do wonder if this would be considered creepy sci-fi, or mild thriller, not that the label matters, but the question interests me.

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